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Metaverse: Is it Just Gambling, or What? Up to 30 % of Daily Visitors to Digital Worlds Gamble at Online Casinos

Johan Goldstein
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The subject of the metaverse is on everyone’s lips, with every conceivable application being discussed up and down the country. Gambling is often under the radar. Yet current data shows that up to 30% of daily users in already existing metaverses visit the digital worlds because of online casinos, as shown in a new infographic from Wette.de.

The idea of the metaverse is still in its infancy. Although more and more market observers are of the opinion that it is a gigantic market – Citibank forecasts an annual turnover of 13 trillion US dollars by 2030 – it still seems uncertain which metaverses will ultimately prevail.

Decentraland is one of the early projects that enjoys great popularity among investors. On average, 20,000 people visit this metaverse every day – 6,000 of them visit digital casino branches. So ist the metaverse just gambling, or what?

According to current data, the Decentral Games Casino alone generated a turnover of US $7.5 million within three months. This may not seem like much at first glance, but when you realise how sparsely populated the metaverse is these days, the potential for betting providers becomes obvious. By 2030, no less than 5 billion people are expected to be roaming the metaverse. Projects like PokerFi are striving to profit from this trend.

Google search engine data also show that the topic is gaining in importance. The search volume for the terms “metaverse casino” has risen rapidly in the past year, and the Google trend score currently stands at 49, with 100 representing the highest possible relative search volume. Even today, a clear majority of German citizens can imagine using virtual metaverse worlds. So far, the trend has benefited not only the gaming industry but also, and above all, gambling operators.

Johan Goldstein

Johan Goldstein ist seit über 15 Jahren Experte auf dem Gebiet der Comparative psychology und hat sich vor einiger Zeit schon dazu entschieden seine Expertise auf das Fachgebiet Online Sportwetten und Glücksspielverhalten auszuweiten. Seine umfassenden Analysen und Einschätzungen stellt er exklusiv auf wette.de vor und gibt tiefere Einblicke in Wettverhalten und aktuelle Trendthemen die noch nicht zum Hype Thema geworden sind.